


Medicare Insurance Companies in the United States
Medicare Insurance Companies
American Family Insurance
Bankers Life and Casualty
Kaiser Permanente
Mutual of Omaha
Premera Blue Cross
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Medicare is a federal program which provides health insurance for qualified individuals over the age of 65. Enrolled individuals must pay deductibles and co-payments, but much of their medical costs are covered by the program. Medicare is less comprehensive than the above programs, but it is an important source of post-retirement health care.

Medicare is divided into three parts. Part A covers hospital bills, Part B covers doctor bills, and Part C provides the option to choose from a package of health care plans. You should enroll as soon as you qualify because, at that time, you can receive coverage even if you have health problems. Later you may no longer qualify, so this free period is very important.

Companies Insurance US Company List - Insurances in United States
United States Medicare 2024
Status of State Medicaid Expansion Decisions: Interactive Map KFF
Is Biden right about cost of insulin for Medicare enrollees? | Fact check Tampa Bay Times
The Case for State-Based Single-Payer Healthcare Common Dreams
US: Pharmaceutical Company Accused of Defrauding Hundreds of Millions from Medicare OCCRP